Showing posts with label Relationship. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Relationship. Show all posts

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Guys, Would You Do This For Your Wife [Photo]

Would you do this for her in the name of love?

Monday, May 18, 2015

5 Habits Of People Who’ll Never Get Married

Do you believe that, at first glance, harmless habits can make people lonely and prevent them from getting married? I can say with confidence that they can. When I worked as a psychologist, I dealt with various problems of my patients. In most cases, the reasons of their life troubles were their habits and fears. Human habits can exert a big negative influence on the quality of life and make us stray from the right path. It usually happens when people refuse to be awake of their faults and continue sticking to their guns. Unfortunately, they tend to blame others for their unhappiness. This approach will never help you break the vicious circle and overcome your laziness, because bad habits gradually become a significant part of your lifestyle. Marriage is an extremely important decision in the life of every person. Even highly successful and healthy people often cannot find a real love and get married, because it’s hard to make a right decision in this complicated and artificial world. If absolutely no one wants to get married with you, then the root of the problem lies in the depth of your subconsiousness. It’s high time to plunge into your subconscious mind to find the reasons that poison your love relationship and make you ‘forever alone.’ It’s necessary to grasp the importance of this issue and dedicate enough time to self-improvement. At first, you should discover the nature of your inner world and weigh all pros and cons of your character. If negative traits and habits are predominant, you shouldn’t surrender to despair, because human mind is powerful and limitless. I’m sure that everyone can break harmless habits and change their private life for the better. The main thing is to be open to change and don’t fear to fight your inner demons. I hope this article will open your eyes to common habits that make people ‘forever alone.’ 1. They’re afraid of reality I think that people who’re afraid of reality will never get married if they do nothing to overcome this fear. It’s been proved that every human being is afraid of reality in a varying degree and it’s absolutely normal, because fear is a natural response to danger. But when these fears and deep-seated phobias take over, people become unable to take risks and responsibilities. A bit later these too sensitive and emotional personalities become the victims of their active imagination. I think that this weakness should be eliminated at earliest convenience. Every woman yearns to get married with emotionally strong and self-confident man. Diffident personalities should once and for all realize that life is a constant struggle. If you want to reach success in either marriage or career, you should be ready to take up the running and face harsh realities of life with you head held high. 2. They prefer to be passive lazybones In most cases lonely people are passive lazybones. The pursuit of happiness and self-cultivation aren’t their pair of shoes. They don’t try to take the initiative, but want to take the best things from life. If they believe that they’ll eventually get married, then their chances are limited. Nothing in this life happens eventually. Life is a dynamic thing that requires people to be extremely active and productive. If you want other successful people to notice your talents, beauty and the depth of your rich inner world, you should open up and do your best to express yourself. But how can you meet a wonderful partner if you enjoy aimless passive pastime cooped up in your house? I’m sure that every lazybones can become an interesting and attractive person, if they finally get involved in different activities and find friends with common interests. 3. They’re too judgmental Nowadays many people have incredibly high standards, especially when it comes to personal life and marriage. Sometimes human principles don’t let people think rationally, but provoke them to judge others for their failures and weaknesses. People who don’t take any effort to find a compromise will never get married, because a healthy marriage is always based on mutual understanding and respect. Wise people say that sometimes it’s necessary to keep silent if you’re at odds with your partner. It will help you keep your love relationship healthy and strong.Furthermore, women should keep in mind that their habit of blaming their partners for low incomes can seriously damage man’s self-esteem. As a result, deep-seated contentment in man’s heart can gradually chill the ardor of his love. By all means, try not to offend people around you and you’ll be able to get married in a quite short period of time. 4. They dedicate their life to career Workaholism has become one of the most difficult and actual problems of a modern world. This problem has a lot of advantages and disadvantages. Do you believe that workaholism can make you a happy person? If a successful career is the top priority in your life, then sooner or later, you’ll achieve a desirable result. All you have to do is throw yourself into this work and live for it. Unfortunately, between two stools you fall to the ground. If you choose career, then you should be ready to sacrifice your health and love. Almost all workaholics find it difficult to build and maintain happy relationships, because they work and think only about their projects 24 hours a day. They have no time for love and romance. 5. They cry for the moon Today both men and women have blurred vision of reality. It seems to me that ladies still believe that one day a wonderful knight in shining armor will appear and win their hearts. Men waste valuable time looking for a bachelor’s wife. It’s high time to get rid of this pointless habit and finally realize that perfect people do exist only in your imagination. The only way to find a suitable partner is to set realistic goals. You need to be sure that your dreams and desires coincide with reality. If you’re dreaming to get married with Johnny Depp by all means, then your private life is in danger. I think that these annoying habits may prevent people from getting married and steal their happiness. There’s no need to become panic-stricken and worry about it. I have good news as well. All these harmful habits can be easily broken and replaced with good ones. I believe that pure love will help people close their eyes to each other’s shortcomings. But it doesn’t mean that you can relax and stop improving yourself. What other habits can prevent us from getting married? We’d like to know your point of view!

Ladies: 6 Things Your Vaginal Discharge Is Trying To Tell You

Like most women with other things going on in your life, you probably don’t give your vaginal discharge much thought. As long as it looks and feels normal—that means clear or white and watery to slightly sticky, depending on where you are in your cycle—you have no reason to be concerned. But when something in your undies looks or feels off, that sounds alarm bells. Maybe there’s a lot more of it than usual, the color is weird, or you’re hit with a whiff of an odor that you know can’t be good. Before you panic and buy out all the creams and sprays in your local pharmacy’s lady aisle, read these 6 things your vagina may be trying to tell you: 1. It’s Clear to White, Wet, and Stretchy Most Likely: Ovulation. This slippery discharge appears during the middle of your cycle; it’s your body’s way of making it easier for sperm to slide into your vagina and fertilize an egg. “Discharge at ovulation can be copious,” says Dr. Alyssa Dweck, ob-gyn and coauthor of V Is for Vagina. “I often hear from patients who are worried something is wrong, but it’s normal.” No wonder this type of sex is the kind women prefer when they’re ovulating! 2. It’s White, Clumpy, and Really Itchy Most Likely:A yeast infection, one that’s caused by an overgrowth of the yeast that normally helps balance the bacteria in your vagina. “There’s usually a lot of cottage-cheese looking discharge,” says Dr. Alyssa Dweck. “And while it doesn’t have an odour, it’s accompanied by killer itching of the outer or inner labia.” A yeast infection is incredibly common and can be caused by a ton of things, such as taking antibiotics or sitting around in your damp gym clothes. “Yeast love warm, moist environments,” says Dr. Alyssa Dweck. Pick up an OTC anti-yeast cream, or ask your doctor about an antifungal prescription that ends the infection without any mess. 3. It’s Yellowish-Green and Possibly Stings a Little Most Likely: Chlamydiaor gonorrhea, two common bacterial STDs. Other signs of either infection include pelvic pain and burning while urinating—but scarily, most women have no symptoms. Once your doctor diagnoses chlamydia or gonorrhea, they’re easily cured with antibiotics. Thing is, you have to get your man to see a doctor, as well. Both partners need to be cured, or you’ll keep passing either infection back and forth to each other. 4. It’s Grayish, Thin, and Has a Strong Odour Most Likely: Bacterial Vaginosis(BV). The odour is the defining trait—it’s kind of a foul, fish-like smell. We know—not something you want a whiff of when you take off your undies. BV is also very common (it’s the most common vaginal infection among women ages 15 to 44, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) and is easily cured with prescription meds once your doctor diagnoses it. It’s a bit of a mystery why some women develop BV, but it generally means that something has upset the bacterial balance in your vagina, though experts aren’t always sure what. 5. It’s Frothy, Has an Unpleasant Odor, and Is Tinged Gray or Green Most Likely: Trichomoniasis. It’s the most common curable STD, according to the CDC, yet you don’t have to have sex to catch it. “Trichomoniasis is caused by an organism that can live on towels, vibrators, and other inanimate objects,” says Dr. Alyssa Dweck. Equally as alarming, most men and women who have it don’t show symptoms—but if left untreated, it can make it easier for a woman to contract HIV and affect her baby’s health if she is pregnant, reports the CDC. The good news is that it can be treated and cured with a prescription pretty quickly. 6. It’s Bloody Most Likely: Breakthrough bleeding, which often happens during the first few months after a woman goes on the Pill, as her body adjusts to the new hormones. If it’s dark red or brownish-colored discharge, it could simply be leftover blood from your period that took its time leaving your vagina. In rare cases, bloody discharge can signal something more threatening—for example, a precancerous cervical lesion. “Let your doctor know, so she can check you out and rule out a serious issue,” says Dr. Alyssa Dweck.

5 Ways To Prevent Pregnancy Without Using Condom

To prevent preg nan cy naturally without a co ndom, one thing you can do is to get a copper T. Women who want to prolong motherhood and enjoy their s ex lives can turn to this method. However, there are possible chances that you will not be able to conceive. The other possible way to prevent preg nan cy without a co ndom is to for the woman to consume the pill. Here again, the side effects are in number and one should consume the pill often. More than this, there are other possible ways to prevent preg nan cy naturally without a co ndom. Take a look at these simple tips to avoid preg nan cy: The Safe Week The safe period is the best way to prevent preg nan cy without a co ndom. This means you can make love between the 8th day to the 20th day of a woman’s menstrual cycle. Here the first day of the period signifies day one of the menstrual cycles. Pull & Pray Method The pull and pray method or withdrawal method is also followed by a lot of couples. However, it is not completely safe. But, according to experts, this pull and pray method is about 83 percent effective, just equivalent to a co ndom which is said to be 84 percent safe to prevent preg nan cy. The Effective Copper T The device is implanted by a trained doctor and can be removed when the couple is ready for conception. There are a lot of women who opt for this method to delay the chances of getting preg nan t. Always Stay On The Pill No matter what, stick to the everyday pill. If you are not on the pill, visit a gynecologist and he/she would suggest what you should do. This is one of the best ways to prevent a preg nan cy without a co ndom. The pill is your answer. Love The pre-inti macy pre-inti macy helps to increase the inti macy without making love and the fear of an imminent preg nan cy too. So, if you and your partner are not ready to be parents just yet, opt for this beautiful act of showing love.

6 Amazing Things You Never Knew Your Penis Could Do

There’s a lot more to your member than meets the eye. Apart from its pretty damn impressive ability to make other penis-toting little men, here are six crazy things you didn’t know your penis could do. *It’s a ‘semen displacement device’ While you probably think of your dong as a device designed to inject semen, it’s also engineered to remove the semen of competitors, suggests research from the State University of New York, Albany. You know that ridge at the base of your penis head—the raised part just north of your shaft? While you’re thrusting in and out of your partner, that ridge rakes away the semen of any foes who may have slid into home base ahead of you, the researchers say. *It can survive decapitation Penectomy is a procedure that involves removing part or all of the penis. (It can be necessary if you have penis cancer.) But like the headless horseman, your dipstick doesn’t die if you cut off its head. You can still urinate, have sex, and ejaculate even if the head has been removed, finds a study from Brazil. Decapitation is far from the worst thing that could happen to your junk. *It can predict how your brain works Men whose flaccid penises hang to the left—and that’s the majority of us—may be “left-brain dominant,” suggests research from the journal Human Reproduction. If your package dangles to the left, research suggests that you may be “left-brain dominant. Due to developmental hormones, left-brain dominance is also tied to right-handedness, a larger right foot than left, and other forms of body asymmetry, the study authors say. The left brain hemisphere plays a large role in speaking, logic, and mathematical computations. The right brain is big when it comes to spatial and visual information, and pulling context out of a person’s words and tone. So if your dick dangles to the left, that could help explain why you’re great at algebra but crappy at guessing your girlfriend’s mood. *It can ejaculate while limp While boners and ejaculation are usually a package deal, you don’t have to be hard to expel semen, shows a study from California’s Oakland Medical Center. Your pelvic muscles contract when you blow your load. But those muscles aren’t directly tied to the processes that make your penis erect. So while unusual, you can let fly even if you’re flaccid, the study authors say. *It can eject semen up to 8 feet That’s according to a study conducted years ago at the University of Indiana by the famous sex researcher Alfred Kinsey. While there’s not much new data backing up that finding, one recent study from Weill Cornell Medical College found the force with which you ejaculate corresponds directly with how satisfied you feel about your orgasm. *It smiles during sex Your face isn’t the only thing smiling between the sheets. A study from France looked at the shape of your schlong during sex. When you and your partner are in the missionary position, your penis — including the portion of your shaft inside your body — basically forms a smile-shaped curve. why? Because it’s happy, of course! What can yours do?

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Kylie Jenner shares photo of her man.

If  Kylie Jenner is pained over Blac Chyna and her mum's diss, she is handling it very well.She just posted this pic of her man and Justin Bieber..Enough said!

Saturday, May 9, 2015

[Music] K9 – Kayefi (Freestyle)

The Multi Talented Kokoma Master ‘K9‘ is not slowing down on his game as he drops another hot tune for you to listen to. Do you have dancing steps, then Download & Enjoy. Listen & Download K9 – Kayefi (Freestyle)

Friday, May 8, 2015

Some residents of Lagos on Friday called on the State Government to
provide public toilets on the highways and other strategic locations
in the metropolis, for the convenience of the people.

Those who spoke with the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) identified such
strategic locations and highways to include the
Apapa/Oshodi/Oworonshoki expressway, the Lagos/Ibadan expressway, the
Ikorodu road, the Lagos/Abeokuta road and the Lekki/Epe expressway.

A pregnant woman, Ngozi Eberesim, who wanted to urinate on the
Lagos/Ibadan expressway, particularly pleaded for mobile toilets along
public highways, to help commuters in traffic. Eberesim, who said she
was returning from an ante-natal appointment, said that she could not
hold back her urine due to her condition and had to urinate in the

"I am just coming from the hospital and I have been in traffic for
over an hour. I had to beg the bus driver to stop, so I can quickly
urinate on the road side.Because of my condition, I urinate often and
it is dangerous for me to hold back my urine. Let the government build
toilets at strategic points, especially for people like me, who may be
experiencing a similar problem,'' she said.

NAN reports that at the same spot, a commercial bus driver, who also
urinated by the road side, said that because of traffic jams, he had
been hard pressed and left with no choice than to relieve himself of
the urine.

The driver, simply identified as Sunday, said public toilets should be
made available, at least every 200 meters, to help people, especially
travelers, to relieve themselves.

He also noted that many petrol stations that usually had such
facilities for public convenience often do not allow the general
public access to the facilities.

"The traffic has been so intense due to the fuel problem and people
will surely become pressed by nature and they will have no option than
to urinate or even defecate along the road, particularly in areas
where there are no public toilets. The state government can provide
toilets and use officials of the Kick Against Indiscipline (KAI) to
monitor the facilities, to prevent misuse," he said.

NAN reports that due to the heavy gridlock on Lagos roads on Thursday,
men, women, young and old were alighting from their vehicles to
urinate by the roadside, thus making the environment unhygienic.

It would also be recalled that at a stakeholders' meeting organised by
the Lagos State Ministry of the Environment, the wife of the governor,
Abimbola Fashola,described open defecation and urination as habits
that should be tackled frontally.

"Besides looking unhealthy and foul-smelling, both actions are harmful
to the health of residents as experts say they support the spread of
diseases such as typhoid and cholera," she said.

The Lagos State Government is now using the KAI Brigade, under the
Ministry of the Environment, to stem the unhygienic habits of open
defecation and urination in the Lagos metropolis.